Technical Information
To ensure autorun and distribution:
Creates the following files on removable media:
- <Drive name for removable media>:\SysPro.exe
- <Drive name for removable media>:\autorun.inf
Malicious functions:
To complicate detection of its presence in the operating system,
blocks the following features:
- User Account Control (UAC)
Terminates or attempts to terminate
the following user processes:
- bdagent.exe
- zlclient.exe
- outpost.exe
Modifies file system :
Creates the following files:
- <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\myporn.scr
- <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\doc.pif
- <DRIVERS>\svchost.exe
- C:\autorun.inf
- C:\SysPro.exe
- <SYSTEM32>\dllcache\recycled.exe
Sets the 'hidden' attribute to the following files:
- C:\SysPro.exe
- C:\autorun.inf
Searches for the following windows:
- ClassName: 'Shell_TrayWnd' WindowName: ''