Executes the following shell scripts:
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su 10065 /system/bin/app_process64 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su child exited
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su client exited 1
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su connecting client 3367
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su connecting client 3552
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su db allowed
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote args: 1
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote pid: 3367
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote pid: 3552
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote pid: 3829
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote pts_slave:
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote req pid: 3347
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote req pid: 3516
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su remote uid: 10065
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su sending code
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su starting daemon client 10065 10065
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su su invoked.
- /system/bin/log -p d -t su waiting for child exit
- sh
- su
Uses elevated priveleges.
Accesses the ITelephony private interface.
Gets information about location.
Gets information about phone status (number, IMEI, etc.).
Parses information from SMS.
Gets information about incoming/outgoing calls.