
+ マイライブラリに追加




+7 (495) 789-45-86



Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2014-06-23

Virus description added:

Technical Information

To ensure autorun and distribution:
Creates or modifies the following files:
  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\xpidl.exe.pif
Creates the following services:
  • [<HKLM>\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\BQ8M3Y] 'Start' = '00000002'
Malicious functions:
Creates and executes the following:
  • '%PROGRAM_FILES%\RT7TAVSAD6.exe' <Full path to virus>
Executes the following:
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v "Display Inline Videos" /t REG_SZ /d no /F
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v Play_Animations /t REG_SZ /d no /F
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v Play_Background_Sounds /t REG_SZ /d no /F
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v "Display Inline Images" /t REG_SZ /d yes /F
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' delete HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /F
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v "Disable Script Debugger" /t REG_SZ /d yes /F
  • '<SYSTEM32>\reg.exe' ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v DisableScriptDebuggerIE /t REG_SZ /d yes /F
  • '<SYSTEM32>\regsvr32.exe' /u /s shimgvw.dll
  • '<SYSTEM32>\sc.exe' create Z8KU24NYHBinPath= "%PROGRAM_FILES%\CU9RFERQM5KC\0GOEAB5LXEQ1.exe -start" type= own type= interact start= auto DisplayName= 89X91V7A12W
  • '<SYSTEM32>\cmd.exe' /c "%PROGRAM_FILES%\167L318LW.bat"
  • '<SYSTEM32>\regsvr32.exe' /u /s itss.dll
  • '<SYSTEM32>\regsvr32.exe' /s jscript.dll
  • '<SYSTEM32>\regsvr32.exe' /u /s vbscript.dll
  • '<SYSTEM32>\regsvr32.exe' /u /s scrrun.dll
Modifies file system :
Creates the following files:
  • %WINDIR%\XT9WN.exe
  • %TEMP%\RGI1.tmp
  • %PROGRAM_FILES%\167L318LW.bat
Sets the 'hidden' attribute to the following files:
  • <Full path to virus>
Deletes the following files:
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Logon Sound.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Logoff Sound.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Minimize.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Menu Command.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Information Bar.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Hardware Fail.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Exclamation.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Hardware Remove.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Hardware Insert.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Notify.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Shutdown.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Ringout.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Startup.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Start.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Ringin.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Print complete.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Pop-up Blocked.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Restore.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Recycle.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Error.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\onestop.mid
  • %WINDIR%\Media\notify.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\ringin.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\recycle.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\flourish.mid
  • %WINDIR%\Media\chimes.wav
  • %TEMP%\RGI1.tmp
  • %WINDIR%\Media\ding.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\chord.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\ringout.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Critical Stop.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Battery Low.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Ding.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Default.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Battery Critical.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\tada.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\start.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\Windows XP Balloon.wav
  • %WINDIR%\Media\town.mid
Network activity:
Connects to:
  • '58.#9.58.27':443
Searches for the following windows:
  • ClassName: 'Shell_TrayWnd' WindowName: '(null)'
  • ClassName: 'CJUCPUMNL' WindowName: 'oxscbwypv'